Tisbury & West Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan Edition 2 -Section 7 Updates Consultation


March 2025

Consultation only on Section 7 updates (shown in red text in the Draft Tisbury and West Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan Edition 2 (2024 – 2038)

Wiltshire Council is currently consulting only on Section 7 updates (shown in red text) in the Draft Tisbury and West Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan Edition 2, which has been formally submitted by Tisbury and West Tisbury Parish Council’s.

The consultation starts on Wednesday 26th March 2025 and responses on Section 7 updates only of the draft plan must be received no later than 5pm on Tuesday 13th May 2025.

Please be aware that all representations will be publicly available and may also appear on the Wiltshire Council website.

Further information including the submitted draft neighbourhood plan and how to comment can be found online via http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/planning-neighbourhood-consultations

Where possible, please provide any comments using the Consultation Portal. Alternatively, an editable representation form can be downloaded from the Supporting Files section on the consultation portal, and completed forms can either be emailed to neighbourhoodplanning@wiltshire.gov.uk, posted in the response boxes at the deposit points or sent by post to:

Neighbourhood Planning


Wiltshire Council

County Hall

Bythesea Road


BA14 8JN

If you have no access to the internet and you wish to view the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, a copy can be sent to you on request by calling Neighbourhood Planning on 01225 713591 or can be viewed at:

• Reading Room, High Street, Tisbury, SP3 6LD

• Nadder Centre, Weaveland Rd, Tisbury, SP3 6HJ

• Coffee Angels, London House, High St, Tisbury, SP3 6HA

Following this consultation, the comments received will be passed to the independent examiner, appointed by the council, who will consider the representations and recommend whether the draft Neighbourhood Plan should be put to a community referendum.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Neighbourhood Planning on Tel: 01225 713698 or by email to neighbourhoodplanning@wiltshire.gov.uk

Election of Parish Councillors


March 2025

Election of Unitary Councillors


March 2025

Commemorative Event - B24 Liberator - Friday 28th July 2023 at 10.45 at Tisbury War Memorial

Tisbury War Memorial, The Square, Tisbury


July 2023

Commemorative Event to unveil a plaque and to mark the 80th Anniversary of the B-24 Liberator crash in Tisbury on Friday 28th July 2023 at 10.45 am at Tisbury War Memorial, The Square, Tisbury, SP3 6JP.  Please see poster below.

Environment Agency Briefing Note on forthcoming Court Street Works

Briefing Note on Court Street Works


July 2023

Please see the document attached below which provides information on the forthcoming works to carry out essential maintenance work on the Tisbury Flood Alleviation Scheme in Court Street, Tisbury

Station Works Appeal Outcome - Dismissed/Refused By Planning Inspector - Decision and Press Release below


June 2023

Please the attached Press Release on the outcome of the Station Works Planning Appeal

Result of Poll - Unitary Councillor Election


June 2023

Notice of Poll for Election of a Unitary Councillor For Tisbury

Hinton Hall, Church Street Tisbury


June 2023

Unitary Council Election in Tisbury Ward - 8th June - Notice of Election and Timetable


June 2023

Notice of Election and Statutory Timetable.

Nomination papers must be hand delivered to the Returning Officer, or his appointed staff at Electoral Services, Wiltshire Council, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3UZ on any day after the date of this notice, on working days from Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm (excluding bank holidays) but no later than 4pm on Thursday 11 May 2023.

Unitary Council Election - 8th June - Statement of Persons Nominated

Hinton Hall, Church Street, Tisbury


May 2023

 Statement of Persons Nominated & Polling Station Locations

Resurfacing of Hindon Lane


May 2023

The Parish Council has been informed that the works to resurface Hindon Lane by Wiltshire Council’s contractors will start on Tuesday 9th May and will be completed on Wednesday 17th May. The work will be carried out between 09:00 and 15:00 hours on weekdays under a temporary road closure and the road will be open as normal outside of these hours.The works comprise repairs to the existing carriageway, the installation of new road markings and the adjustment of surface ironwork. There will be advanced information signs erected on site giving confirmed start dates. A letter drop to all residents and businesses within the closure was completed last week and the contractor will maintain pedestrian access for residents for the duration of the works.Residents are asked to avoid the area during the closure times if possible.

Coronation Celebrations in Tisbury this weekend

Victoria Hall and Football Field


May 2023

Coronation celebrations in Tisbury, which include a live streaming of the Coronation on Saturday 6th May at the Victoria Hall and a Picnic in the Lower Recreation Ground (Football Field) on Sunday 7th May, are supported by the parish council.Contributions of homemade cakes would be much appreciated and if you have the time to help on the day, please contact the Parish Clerk, Bev Cornish, on 01747 260088 or 07453 969909.

Photograph Competition Rules and Information - Great Big Green Week in Tisbury


May 2023

Flora and Fauna in the Blackmore Vale and Nadder Valley

GBGW Photography Competition

Entries are invited in the following categories:


Age groups : Under 7


Over 17

Fauna :

Age groups : Under 7


Over 17

Prizes will be awarded to the Winner of each category.

Rules of Entry

1. All entries must be sent to Tisbury Parish Council by Monday 29th May 9am.

2. Entries are limited to one photograph per category (one Flora, one Fauna) per person.

3. Photographs must be taken in the Blackmore Vale/Nadder Valley but don't need to be recent. Please ensure you add your postcode to your submission.

4. Electronic photographs in a Jpeg, tiff, PNG or PDF file format should be emailed totisburypc@gmail.com. Please identify your entry to the competition by using “TPC Photography competition” in the Subject line of your email. Please include details of your name, age and telephone number in the body of the email.

5. Hard copy photographs must be of A4 size and posted or delivered to TPC Photography Competition, The Reading Room, TisburySP3 6LD.Please include details of your name, age, email address and telephone number.

6. All entries may be used in an exhibition during Great Big Green Week 10th-18th June and winning entries may be uploaded to Tisbury Parish Council website and used in Marketing by the Council.

7. The competition is not open to Tisbury Parish Councillors and employees or immediate relatives of either.

8. Photographs will be judged by an independent panel and their decisions will be final.

9. Winners will be notified by email or telephone by 5th June 2023

10. Prizes will be given out at an event during the Great Big Green week.

Crowdfund - Protect Tisbury - 2 Days to Go


March 2023

The Nadder Community Land Trust has set up a Crowdfund to offset the cost of legal fees to the taxpayer. If you'd like to make a contribution, please see the Protect Tisbury Crowdfund page at the following link:


Launch of Tisbury Warm Spaces Initiative


December 2022

Parish Council Meetings


March 2020