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Tisbury & West Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan Edition 2 -Section 7 Updates Consultation
Tisbury & West Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan Edition 2 -Section 7 Updates Consultation
Consultation only on Section 7 updates (shown in red text in the Draft Tisbury and West Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan Edition 2 (2024 – 2038)
Wiltshire Council is currently consulting only on Section 7 updates (shown in red text) in the Draft Tisbury and West Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan Edition 2, which has been formally submitted by Tisbury and West Tisbury Parish Council’s.
The consultation starts on Wednesday 26th March 2025 and responses on Section 7 updates only of the draft plan must be received no later than 5pm on Tuesday 13th May 2025.
Please be aware that all representations will be publicly available and may also appear on the Wiltshire Council website.
Further information including the submitted draft neighbourhood plan and how to comment can be found online via http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/planning-neighbourhood-consultations
Where possible, please provide any comments using the Consultation Portal. Alternatively, an editable representation form can be downloaded from the Supporting Files section on the consultation portal, and completed forms can either be emailed to neighbourhoodplanning@wiltshire.gov.uk, posted in the response boxes at the deposit points or sent by post to:
Neighbourhood Planning
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
If you have no access to the internet and you wish to view the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, a copy can be sent to you on request by calling Neighbourhood Planning on 01225 713591 or can be viewed at:
• Reading Room, High Street, Tisbury, SP3 6LD
• Nadder Centre, Weaveland Rd, Tisbury, SP3 6HJ
• Coffee Angels, London House, High St, Tisbury, SP3 6HA
Following this consultation, the comments received will be passed to the independent examiner, appointed by the council, who will consider the representations and recommend whether the draft Neighbourhood Plan should be put to a community referendum.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Neighbourhood Planning on Tel: 01225 713698 or by email to neighbourhoodplanning@wiltshire.gov.uk
Additional Documents
2024-03-25 Poster for TisPlan 2 Public Consultation.pdf